Hello, I would like to report that the object pivot point becomes unaligned from the object when the object is placed on a layer with a Z Elevation other than 0.
Trying to make the most of these plugins. You may also recognize your Glow Worms effect in action :)
I do have a question, would it be possible to get a rotate towards object action for the 3D Object? I know that you already have that available on the Rotate3D Behavior, but I didn't obtain very good results with that, the object loses its center. (Also seems a bit redundant?)
I tried doing it myself, but wasn't able to get it to work properly. My best results weren't that good as I couldn't get the 3 axis to work properly, only X and Y.
Ok I don't want to be a pain, but I do want to show you one last thing ^ ^' I am having this issue when adding effects to 3D Object, and I am also getting this when adding Effects to a Sprite with the Rotate 3D behavior.
The object gets cut off either at the top or bottom (depending on object scale and Z Elevation.)
I did manage to work around this by setting the Layer Elevation of where I have the object to 1. But it just about works with the exact values I have for the object scale and whatnot, which is why in the previous message there is no visible glitch on the star. As soon as I change those values a little bit, I get the result on the video below.
One other problem that I get by having the 3D Object in a layer that has > 0 Z Elevation is that if I attempt to rotate it, it doesn't rotate on what should be its pivot point. (what I mentioned on the first comment)
I initially thought that this was a problem with Construct's 3D features in general, but I'm not getting these issues with the 3D shapes.
It would be great if these issues could be fixed somehow.
Thanks for looking into it! Very appreciated. It would be great to be able to freely use effects without these workarounds. These things are mostly what's holding me back at this moment. Once I'm able to overcome these limitations I should be able to get some eye widening results.
Hi, I tested the static models test and with 9 of the models I get 60 fps with static on and 30 fps without. On your very first test on the discord though(this one https://kindeyegames.com/stat/) I got 14-15 models with 60 fps, and 20-25 without. I have a 3060ti.
i tested too with a normal 3070 laptop, i got like 600-700k before going under 60fps. and 40-45 fps with 600-700k without static. 20-25 fps at 1.2m without static.
on the link cristo1 send https://kindeyegames.com/stat/, i got 900-1m before going going under 60fps, without static i get 20-25 fps with 900k+ and with 600k-700k i get only 30-35 fps. this one is performs way better with static than the other one, maybe even 50% better, but without static the other one seems to be better? weird lol, is it because the first one is rotating on another axis too?
Before I start a 3d project, is there any plans in the future for this addon? Any plans to port it over to SDK v2? Same question for 3d Physics and 3d effects. If so, does SDK V2 have anything new that can boost performance? Like more polygons on screen?
Staying on an older version of C3 that's still using SDK v1 isn't a problem for me though.
I will keep updating as possible, including if SDK V2 adds features to support them. SDK V2 as of now it doesn't have any performance improvements. It is more to control what addons are available and consolidate SDK and scripting.
This is not available. If you have a small mesh at the end point of the angle, you could use the origin of the 3DObject and one of the points of the mesh, to calculate an angle.
This option doesn't work. When the object moves, the arm moves, to which I tied a small cube to indicate the attachment point. The sword is attached to the arm at x,y,z coordinates, but I need it to get the angle of the cube I attached to the arm so that the sword repeats the motion of the arm.
Are you doing to equip different weapons for a character? One way that I and others have solved this in the past is to add all the possible weapons to the model as different nodes/meshes. You then enable or disable the weapon nodes/meshes depending on what weapon is equipped. It works well and the performance is good, because only the enabled weapon is rendered.
Yep it sucks... good thing 3D object and 3D effects, are the only ones I ever use. Let's just hope this addon still works in a year lol. Wanted to work on something later this year after all my studies...
I just want to load simple low poly 3D model into C3. Nothing fancy. What I have is basically 2D game with tileset that generates world and I would like to spawn some 3D objects on top of that tilemap in order to make it look cooler. For example, in my game characters will always exit the level with van, so I would like to spawn Van model on exit location.
hi, how can i use ssao addon? I'm making a 3D game, I have a voxel map generation system and I would like to add some depth through ambient occlusion, but I don't know how to use this addon
Hi, I've currently got an issue with 3D models being completely white when using replacesolidcolor as an effect. This seems to be related to the recent stable update of Construct 3 - R388.2 is this something that I should report to Scirra or something that can be fixed within the plugin?
Can you try it on 3DShape and see if you see a similar issue between different C3 versions? If you do then yes file a bug. If not, send/post a test project and I'll take a look (you DM me on Discord or post a link to a test project here.)
I have an issue in the construct 3, When I put the 3D model the editor simply crashes, I have to avoid looking at the object if not the editor crashes.
i got it from sketchfab and downloaded as .blend archive, after that i joined the parts and exported as gltf, when i imported to Construct 3 the editor crashed again, the mensage was:
This is an incomplete gltf. It does not contain embedded textures. I suggest using the glb format instead, this includes all necessary data in one file.
For the gltf version you would need to make sure it embeds all textures and buffers in the gltf file itself.
This is mentioned in the text on the itch page as is the suggestion to test your files on https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/ before use.
Hi, the addon seems to work great in preview but having trouble exporting, NW.js just shows a black screen and WebView2 says "failed to register window class". Never seen this, any ideas?
hi, after 3d plugin update i have problems with editing my game, i think it was problem with something in my project. i open one of your examples and also i have problem. When i edit events in Evens Sheet nothing happen, when i switch tab to layout with 3D objects this screen appear
did you add a new model? I have not run into this particular error before, but the comment non power of 2 tiled textures not supported is interesting and might be due to a specific model, texture, texture type being used, hmm. can you please let me know which of the sample projects also causes the issue? in the meantime do you need help getting a previous version of the addon?
hi! i prepare two videos, first is from my project: take look when red screen appears, when 3d object is visible on screen
second video is downloaded from your examples, only few cause error (set time scale of video to 2xI hope this help you, maybe older versions maybe help solve problem, can you add to download few previous versions? i will check them and let you know. Kind regards!
This provided some great hints about where to go look. Thanks for all that testing, very much appreciated. Unfortunately I am like Scirra, I am a small group (1 person :) ) and need my users to help me test :)
Ok, I took a look at this. These examples work on my set up and after tracing some stuff down, it looks like you are running the editor using webgl1 and not webgl2 or webGPU. The image textures trigger the issue, because they are non-power of 2. and tiled/repeat. WebGL1 does not support non power of 2 textures with all modes (e.g. tiled / repeat mode).
My suggestion is to work using webGL2 in editor and runtime. If that is not possible, you need to make all your textures power of two, where ever these issues show up.
That is very good work ! I've a 3D model that is a part of mountainous landscape and I'd like to make an interactive manipulation of that landscape. ow can I use touch/pan/swipe to move, zoom and rotate this model ?
Hi! I have a rather complicated case, but I would like to get help with it. I have 2 (or more) instances of one 3dObject, both use a texture with an alpha channel (in screenshot No. 3), but only one of all instances correctly displays the inner part (reverse side) of 3dObject (in screenshot No. 1), the other does not display it, it happens only on some faces the object (in screenshot #2). Is there any way to fix this or is it a mistake? Thanks!
Ah, this is tough one. I presently don't do anything special with sorting faces based on average depth before rendering, so objects with transparency / alpha are hard to deal with, because they may render out of the order needed by transparency (canonical 3d / transparency issue.)
If you are just rendering a cube though, depending on the orientation, you may just want to try 3DShape w/ the textures you want, if I remember correctly, for the simple cube case, C3 does sort as best as it can.
Unfortunately, in my case it will not be possible to use 3D Shape, at this stage of development the models are very different (in screenshot 1 and 2 with triangulation).
In addition, I want to use bone animation to get the result as in my other projects on PlayCanvas.
video 1:
video 2:
I think solving this problem will really help in developing interesting and beautiful games on C3.
May I ask if this area of 3d Object development is a priority?
I am ready to help with the work on the plugin, but unfortunately I do not have sufficient programming skills.
I might be able to work on this in a couple weeks, the sort would only be for one mesh, not between meshes and it would happen on the CPU. It would also require all rotate, scale, transform operations be done on the CPU too (normally they are done on the GPU). This can put a heavy load on CPU. It is a difficult problem with how we can render using C3.
If we could get at the pre-draw shade we could do screen door.
I am open to other ideas on it, also since it is open source other PRs (other people submitting code/changes).
The problem is displaying the back face of an object when there is an alpha channel in the texture. I added a few screenshots, the difference should be better visible there
Is there a way to when I change the model on the properties bar to instantly update on the editor? From one model to the other? I find that i need to keep exiting and reentering construct.
Not right now, but on my list to update, it's just a tricky/old part of the code, doing the initial load and initialization), I might take a hammer to it though and just blow away the whole object and try initialization again. Will try an experiment tomorrow.
If it is beyond curiosity and discussing for an actual commission, we would need to discuss details. You can find me on the Construct Community Discord. Estimates for simpler bounded work is easier. This feature not so much.
hi, i attempted exporting games that use 3d models with this plugin in the past and always ran into a blackscreen error when exporting with NW.js. i searched previously on github and the c3 forums and found that NW.js had a bug that was causing this. just checking if theres been any updates on this bug and if exports are hopefully working?
Is it possible for the gltf path to have a drop down list of all the names of all the glb and gltf in the Files for QoL? Kind of like instance variables.
To be honest, I only wanted to study the template because of the night vision flashlight effect, was that a modification of yours, or is it from his template? If it is yours, would you have a template, any template, that uses this type of flashlight? (it doesn't have to have the night vision effect) I'm creating a PSX Horror, and I just wanted to create a flashlight of this type, but I couldn't, so I wanted to study a template.
I'm really having a hard time with this lighting part, I tried to use ss3d to create the flashlight but the way I think of doing it isn't working. That's why I'm looking for a template to study. I don't care if you charge me for it, but could you provide me with any template that has this type of working flashlight that I can turn on and off?
Hello, first of all congratulations on the great work you've been doing for the C3 community, I recently acquired 2 of your plugins and my head is bubbling with ideas with the possibilities that have opened up and I'm already developing a project... I'm managing to work well with 3D so far, but I'm having a hard time understanding how the illuminations work. Even looking at all the examples you've provided, I can't create some of the things I wanted to.
For example, I'd like to know how to create this type of lighting:
And I'd like to know if it's possible to create this type of lighting on 3D signs or in some other way:
And my last question, is how I could create a more realistic Lantern... I saw on your twitter this example https://twitter.com/kindeyegames/status/1673439254016565250 that you posted of a test, and is it currently possible to create something the same or similar?
C3 SDK and effects do not support very good lighting. So, we have to do a few compromises. For flat lighting of the 3DObject, you can have multiple lights, including spot lights. However, the only work on a per face basis. So, for example on the building above each side is a single face with texture, so each face only have a single light value for the entire face, so you won't get nice liking like you have above.
You could subdivide the walls into many triangles and it could start to look like the above, however, that requires a lot of performance to do. I find that the 3DObject lighting works best on a little more complicated, animated models.
This lighting is world space lighting (e.g. the lights can be placed in the world and they work as expected as you change the camera location). These are ACEs of 3DObject.
The other option is the screenspace lighting. This lighting is done by looking at the depth normals of the screenspace and using though to determine lighting on a fragment (e.g. pixel) basis. It look pretty nice, but it has the restriction that the light _will_ change as the camera changes orientation (the lighting is _not_ world based). So, in general it works better for some ambient, distant lighting and lighting sources that are coming from the direction of the camera. This is an effect addon.
Some other ideas to think about: bake in lighting on 3d models. For example in the above, if the lighting doesn't change you could bake the lighting into the textures in blender, etc.
i will start to play around lighting now.i didnt really follow ur updates but, is there directional lights yet? like a directional light that bakes for every object on start of layout?im making a big city and i want to light every building evenly at start of layout. only bake not realtime. and didnt you have one for sprites billboard>? what happen to that one
a prebaked direction light for each 3d object at any angle would be a cool option , is it possible?
You can apply lights per object, if you need a common light, I usually use a family for all the objects and apply lights ACEs to the family. Look at the devlog for flat light updates and examples. You can bake on start.
The version for 3DShapes was just an experiment, in general it takes too much CPU and was a monkeypatch (hack to C3 engine.) It has been removed - I was hoping Ashley would help us adopt it and make it more efficient, but he declined.
Hello! Can i use custom collision shape with your plugin ? Can i use image point with 3d object? Can i navigate in scene free like in Unreal? This is very raw i think, and canot be useful for serious game.
This a 3d model renderer addon for Construct 3. It is not designed to handle 3d collision, 3d camera management. The information on the addon is in the itch page, dev logs and example projects.
Yah, that's tough. Perhaps another option is making the foreground opacity lower for objects in the way. Can use 2d los or 3d raycast to determine which objects. Another alternative is to see Foozle's example which does WoW style camera and brings the camera forward so it's no longer blocked.
Hi. The game crashes on smartphones. There seems to be a problem with resource allocation, how to fix it? The person and environment models are from kenney. Link: https://s3.eponesh.com/games/draft/1116/v17/
That is weird. I have latest update and that doesn't happen. Need to see your events. Does it happen when you delete the character from layout? Can you upload the model with the problem? I want to test it.
It helps most if you can provide a test project case, so I can see exactly how the addon is being used. For example, using a lot of instance model without using a template for them will cause GPU memory to grow.
Hi, I'm working on working on skybox right now and just wanted to ask if your starfield clouds effect work with 3d? Is it an effect for a sprite or does it cover whole layout? Can it be used on 3d box? If it does, do you have one with just clouds? Im looking for one kind of like this https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4tdSWr or thishttps://www.shadertoy.com/view/XslGRr
Hi, lost my old account but, I bought this last year but I have been in gdevelop since and thinking about rebuying this and coming back to construct. Gdevelop 3d is good with threejs addon but the engine itself is just annoying and worst in every other way. I just want to ask has the instancing got better on this? Like in gdevelop I was making a 3d vampire survivor clone and 500 (1k poly) enemy objects runs fine, but I remember on construct with this addon, I lagged with only around 40-50 objects. I know constructs renderer isn't really meant for 3d but did you ever find a way to make instancing better? Im not making a vampire survivor clone but I would like npc's walk around a town in an rpg game. So like 50 (1k-2k poly) npc with a city also.
Some of the 3d games people are working on in the discord got me fired up for a 3d rpg lmao. If a better instancing isnt possible I understand, will still come back to construct and just make city in 3d and have the characters as 8 direction billboard. I tested one of the uploads there for 8 direction rpg style and was able to make 1000+ characters on screen np. Which is weird because ive tried the same thing on gdev and massive lag. Seems like gdev performance for 3d is better than construct, but constructs 2d and collision performance is waaay better than gdev.
50 objects low poly is fine. You can do some optimizations like set animation rate to 0 or object invisible when its far away or behind walls if you want a lot of npc.
Also, not a lot of games has over 50 character/npc/enemies on screen. I made tests and 100 on screen isn't a problem which should be enough for 95% of game genres. Games like the Ps2 Dynasty Warriors games give an illusion of 1000s of units, but in reality there's only like 40-50 enemies on screen at once, further ones aren't visible and the Ai is so basic. Creating smart enemies that uses collision checks and loops and stuff usually is the performance killer if not designed correctly. Gdevelop can display 1000s enemies sure, but will lag once you start giving them behaviors or collision checks. 1000s of static object instances like trees in the background is nice tho, something Gdevelop is good at.
Yeah ik. Just want things to run at full speed even for lower end machines too. 40 on screen is fine,but like you said, I might need many trees lol. Will test for myself. Playing with billboard sprites for now instead of 3d characters.
Made a cool aiming mechanic where the camera only turns when going out of the aim bounds. Free aim style and hit detection using layertocanvas, but more suited for a robot game/bullet hell style. My next game after I finish my current jump on head platformer lol.
To anyone who wants bullet zelevation to work, its just player.zelevations - target.zelevation
Working on some 3D prototypes with this. My game company itself is focused on a MMORPG which is 2.5D, using my Spine addon for skinning and animations. We use C3 for the client side.
2.5d like Ragnarok online? I loved those graphics. Wish more people used 2.5d, I loved that look. I'm working with 2 other people on making a 2.5d visual novel but after, I would love to start a 2.5d platformer like the Prinny games. Something like this looks very possible now in Construct.
just thought of a good game idea how to use this. there was this ghost in the shell game for ps1 where your a robot and u can scale walls and ceilings and stuff. this aiming looks good for it. hit me up if you wanna collab or something.
Just watched gameplay for that and..... that looks difficult lol. If you figure out the math on how to do that walking on walls/ceilings with camera rotating stuff then sure. I'm just amazed something in the Ps1 days could do that.
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Hi, there is an object rendering bug in version 3DObject-2-63-*, you can check the screenshot below:
the .glb file download link: 3DObject_RenderBug.glb
I have tested more than 20 Objects of similar type, and this Object is the only one with this problem. But in previous versions it was OK.
Can you help to troubleshoot the exact cause?
thanks for the test case, can take a look later in the week
try 26.2.3, fixed corner case of mesh size being multiple of batch size
Hi, it's ok now, thanks for the update!
Wow! That fixed a model I have in my current project! Thank you!!!
Hello, I would like to report that the object pivot point becomes unaligned from the object when the object is placed on a layer with a Z Elevation other than 0.
Wanted to show you something cool:
Trying to make the most of these plugins. You may also recognize your Glow Worms effect in action :)

I do have a question, would it be possible to get a rotate towards object action for the 3D Object?
I know that you already have that available on the Rotate3D Behavior, but I didn't obtain very good results with that, the object loses its center. (Also seems a bit redundant?)
I tried doing it myself, but wasn't able to get it to work properly. My best results weren't that good as I couldn't get the 3 axis to work properly, only X and Y.
Here's a drawing of what I'm trying to achieve:
Ok I don't want to be a pain, but I do want to show you one last thing
^ ^'
I am having this issue when adding effects to 3D Object, and I am also getting this when adding Effects to a Sprite with the Rotate 3D behavior.
The object gets cut off either at the top or bottom (depending on object scale and Z Elevation.)
I did manage to work around this by setting the Layer Elevation of where I have the object to 1. But it just about works with the exact values I have for the object scale and whatnot, which is why in the previous message there is no visible glitch on the star. As soon as I change those values a little bit, I get the result on the video below.
One other problem that I get by having the 3D Object in a layer that has > 0 Z Elevation is that if I attempt to rotate it, it doesn't rotate on what should be its pivot point. (what I mentioned on the first comment)
I initially thought that this was a problem with Construct's 3D features in general, but I'm not getting these issues with the 3D shapes.
It would be great if these issues could be fixed somehow.
will have some time to look at this in a week or so, the addon is open source and we do take pull requests (approve submitted fixes)
Thanks for looking into it! Very appreciated.
It would be great to be able to freely use effects without these workarounds. These things are mostly what's holding me back at this moment. Once I'm able to overcome these limitations I should be able to get some eye widening results.
Ok, have some time to look at this, can you please send a test project with the issues and a little explanation about what to look for in the issue?
Checking in again, if you still need help with this. If so, please send a test project, etc.
Hi, I tested the static models test and with 9 of the models I get 60 fps with static on and 30 fps without. On your very first test on the discord though(this one https://kindeyegames.com/stat/) I got 14-15 models with 60 fps, and 20-25 without. I have a 3060ti.
Interesting, I am going to make another optimization tunable and we'll see if it affects different GPUs differently.
i tested too with a normal 3070 laptop, i got like 600-700k before going under 60fps. and 40-45 fps with 600-700k without static. 20-25 fps at 1.2m without static.
on the link cristo1 send https://kindeyegames.com/stat/, i got 900-1m before going going under 60fps, without static i get 20-25 fps with 900k+ and with 600k-700k i get only 30-35 fps. this one is performs way better with static than the other one, maybe even 50% better, but without static the other one seems to be better? weird lol, is it because the first one is rotating on another axis too?
to make it easier to read lol
the c3p example
on - 600k-700k (60fps)
off - 600k-700k (40-45fps), 1.2m (20-25fps, 20%-25% better)
cristo1 link example
on - 900k-1m (60fps, 40%-50% better)
off - 900k-1m (20-25fps), 600k-700k (30-35fps, 10fps less than cp3 example)
Thanks for the data, I will be interested to hear what you see with the latest update.
Before I start a 3d project, is there any plans in the future for this addon? Any plans to port it over to SDK v2? Same question for 3d Physics and 3d effects. If so, does SDK V2 have anything new that can boost performance? Like more polygons on screen?
Staying on an older version of C3 that's still using SDK v1 isn't a problem for me though.
I will keep updating as possible, including if SDK V2 adds features to support them. SDK V2 as of now it doesn't have any performance improvements. It is more to control what addons are available and consolidate SDK and scripting.
why i cant use effects? like ssao, LightLayer3D, OutlineGlow and other?
update: i just download “LightLayerTest.c3p” and “Foggy 3D.c3p” effects work perfect in this project but dont event appears in my
you need to use webgl in your project setting, disable webgpu.
thank you!
Hi. How can I get an angle of the node?
This is not available. If you have a small mesh at the end point of the angle, you could use the origin of the 3DObject and one of the points of the mesh, to calculate an angle.
This option doesn't work. When the object moves, the arm moves, to which I tied a small cube to indicate the attachment point. The sword is attached to the arm at x,y,z coordinates, but I need it to get the angle of the cube I attached to the arm so that the sword repeats the motion of the arm.
Are you doing to equip different weapons for a character? One way that I and others have solved this in the past is to add all the possible weapons to the model as different nodes/meshes. You then enable or disable the weapon nodes/meshes depending on what weapon is equipped. It works well and the performance is good, because only the enabled weapon is rendered.
Hello, I have encountered a collision problem when rotating a 3d object along the Z axis. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you for your work.
I think in this case it would be better to use a separate sprite as a collision box and don't have the 3D object do collisions.
The separate sprite can be thinner and rotated.
In general I think this is a good idea, use 3D for the visuals and use sprites, etc. for collision, etc.
So will this addon break with the new construct update.... This sucks.
Hopefully not.
Ashley has said the V1 SDK (which this uses) will not be officially sunset for at least one year.
This gives us plenty for time to update it for the new SDK and I have also already requested changes for the new SDK to better support this addon
Yep it sucks... good thing 3D object and 3D effects, are the only ones I ever use. Let's just hope this addon still works in a year lol. Wanted to work on something later this year after all my studies...
Which one of those c3p examples are good to learn how to use this plugin?
What type of project do you want to do?
I just want to load simple low poly 3D model into C3. Nothing fancy. What I have is basically 2D game with tileset that generates world and I would like to spawn some 3D objects on top of that tilemap in order to make it look cooler. For example, in my game characters will always exit the level with van, so I would like to spawn Van model on exit location.
To get started and mapping a 3DObject to a C3 2D object, take a look at: 3DObjectWalking.c3p
If you have any issues, post or DM your test project and I can take a look.
hi, how can i use ssao addon? I'm making a 3D game, I have a voxel map generation system and I would like to add some depth through ambient occlusion, but I don't know how to use this addon
I managed to run it, but it doesn't work very well on voxels :/
Works! I just don't know why all flat surfaces are dark, because only the corners should be dark
It an artifact of the style of the SSAO shader implementation based on the OG version from Crytek: https://learnopengl.com/Advanced-Lighting/SSAO
Hi, I've currently got an issue with 3D models being completely white when using replacesolidcolor as an effect. This seems to be related to the recent stable update of Construct 3 - R388.2 is this something that I should report to Scirra or something that can be fixed within the plugin?
Can you try it on 3DShape and see if you see a similar issue between different C3 versions? If you do then yes file a bug. If not, send/post a test project and I'll take a look (you DM me on Discord or post a link to a test project here.)
I have an issue in the construct 3, When I put the 3D model the editor simply crashes, I have to avoid looking at the object if not the editor crashes.
Perhaps a bad model or bad format? Can you send the project and/or the model?
Also please make sure you are using the latest version of the addon and C3.
hi, i tried a new 3d model but didn't work again, the 3d model that's i use is:https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/formula-1-car-animated-low-poly-free-866b7c6ddb3...
i got it from sketchfab and downloaded as .blend archive, after that i joined the parts and exported as gltf, when i imported to Construct 3 the editor crashed again, the mensage was:
Error report information
Type: unhandled rejection Reason: Error: attempting to construct out-of-bounds Float32Array on ArrayBuffer @ loadGLTF@blob:https://editor.construct.net/cdf7acda-4e1c-43ad-9551-19b72b124471:206:26 Stack: loadGLTF@blob:https://editor.construct.net/cdf7acda-4e1c-43ad-9551-19b72b124471:206:26 Construct version: r379 URL: https://editor.construct.net/?startTour Date: Mon Apr 15 2024 20:10:00 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília) Uptime: 35.7 s
Platform information
Product: Construct 3 r379 (stable) Browser: Firefox 124.0 Browser engine: Gecko Context: browser Operating system: Windows 10 Device type: desktop Device pixel ratio: 1 Logical CPU cores: 4 Approx. device memory: (unavailable) User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:124.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/124.0 Language setting: pt-BR
WebGL information
Version string: WebGL 2.0 Numeric version: 2 Supports NPOT textures: yes Supports GPU profiling: no Supports highp precision: yes Vendor: Google Inc. (Intel) Renderer: ANGLE (Intel, Intel(R) HD Graphics 400 Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0), or similar Major performance caveat: no Maximum texture size: 16384 Point size range: 1 to 1024 Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_float_blend, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, OES_draw_buffers_indexed, OES_texture_float_linear, OVR_multiview2, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_provoking_vertex
i have this issue on mobile c3d and in another computer.
Can you send me the test project or send me the gltf/glb model you are testing?
The Mega Nz link is here: F1Model
This is an incomplete gltf. It does not contain embedded textures. I suggest using the glb format instead, this includes all necessary data in one file.
For the gltf version you would need to make sure it embeds all textures and buffers in the gltf file itself.
This is mentioned in the text on the itch page as is the suggestion to test your files on https://sandbox.babylonjs.com/ before use.
Hi, the addon seems to work great in preview but having trouble exporting, NW.js just shows a black screen and WebView2 says "failed to register window class". Never seen this, any ideas?
For some reason disabling minification fixed this for anyone also stuck
Hello, i ran into a problem, the 3d objects don't' show in the editor, but in the preview it appears just fine, any ideia how to fix it
Just try reloading the project. Currently it does not update if the path is changed between different models.
hi, after 3d plugin update i have problems with editing my game, i think it was problem with something in my project. i open one of your examples and also i have problem. When i edit events in Evens Sheet nothing happen, when i switch tab to layout with 3D objects this screen appear
did you add a new model? I have not run into this particular error before, but the comment non power of 2 tiled textures not supported is interesting and might be due to a specific model, texture, texture type being used, hmm. can you please let me know which of the sample projects also causes the issue? in the meantime do you need help getting a previous version of the addon?
hi! i prepare two videos, first is from my project: take look when red screen appears, when 3d object is visible on screen
second video is downloaded from your examples, only few cause error (set time scale of video to 2xI hope this help you, maybe older versions maybe help solve problem, can you add to download few previous versions? i will check them and let you know. Kind regards!Thanks for all of this I made of a few of the older versions available.
This provided some great hints about where to go look. Thanks for all that testing, very much appreciated. Unfortunately I am like Scirra, I am a small group (1 person :) ) and need my users to help me test :)
Ok, I took a look at this. These examples work on my set up and after tracing some stuff down, it looks like you are running the editor using webgl1 and not webgl2 or webGPU. The image textures trigger the issue, because they are non-power of 2. and tiled/repeat. WebGL1 does not support non power of 2 textures with all modes (e.g. tiled / repeat mode).
My suggestion is to work using webGL2 in editor and runtime. If that is not possible, you need to make all your textures power of two, where ever these issues show up.
Do you think 3d object and 3d effects together are stable enough to release games with? Do you recommend not using 3d effects yet?
I think it's ok, but if you have some different platforms to try a slice of your game on, that's always good to do.
That is very good work ! I've a 3D model that is a part of mountainous landscape and I'd like to make an interactive manipulation of that landscape. ow can I use touch/pan/swipe to move, zoom and rotate this model ?
Sure, I would look more at controlling the C3 3d camera around a static model.
Thank you ! Actually, I was also interested in having the object move in front of a static camera.
for static camera you can use set rotation and set scale ACEs
Would you have any demo file showing how to do this ?
No, but just try out the ACEs for set rotation and scale, they rotate and scale the object, which seems to be what you are looking for.
Here is test, I think it looks cool.
Looks great!
I'm making an advance wars style strategy game, started 2d but will started to add 3d for the battle sequences.
Hi! I have a rather complicated case, but I would like to get help with it. I have 2 (or more) instances of one 3dObject, both use a texture with an alpha channel (in screenshot No. 3), but only one of all instances correctly displays the inner part (reverse side) of 3dObject (in screenshot No. 1), the other does not display it, it happens only on some faces the object (in screenshot #2). Is there any way to fix this or is it a mistake? Thanks!
Ah, this is tough one. I presently don't do anything special with sorting faces based on average depth before rendering, so objects with transparency / alpha are hard to deal with, because they may render out of the order needed by transparency (canonical 3d / transparency issue.)
If you are just rendering a cube though, depending on the orientation, you may just want to try 3DShape w/ the textures you want, if I remember correctly, for the simple cube case, C3 does sort as best as it can.
Unfortunately, in my case it will not be possible to use 3D Shape, at this stage of development the models are very different (in screenshot 1 and 2 with triangulation).

In addition, I want to use bone animation to get the result as in my other projects on PlayCanvas.
video 1:
video 2:
I think solving this problem will really help in developing interesting and beautiful games on C3.
May I ask if this area of 3d Object development is a priority?
I am ready to help with the work on the plugin, but unfortunately I do not have sufficient programming skills.
I might be able to work on this in a couple weeks, the sort would only be for one mesh, not between meshes and it would happen on the CPU. It would also require all rotate, scale, transform operations be done on the CPU too (normally they are done on the GPU). This can put a heavy load on CPU. It is a difficult problem with how we can render using C3.
If we could get at the pre-draw shade we could do screen door.
I am open to other ideas on it, also since it is open source other PRs (other people submitting code/changes).
This is great news! I will be looking forward to new updates of 3d objects and continue working on the project. Thanks!
It works fine for me? I dont get this problem.
The problem is displaying the back face of an object when there is an alpha channel in the texture. I added a few screenshots, the difference should be better visible there

yikes, i'm already optimizing as much as I can to keep cpu low. this scares me lol. i wish we could use gpu more
The possible fix I am talking about above would be optional to help with the transparency case. It would be enabled per node/mesh.
Try putting it on the topmost layer, and 3D distance for the Draw Order.
I have tried this, in this case only one instance of the object will be displayed correctly
Check out the new screendoor dither in the frag light effect. it definitely has its own artifacts, but might be interesting for this case.
Frag light is a separate itch project.
Hi! Trying to add ssao-1-6-0.c3addon on the latest version and somehow it doesn't work? Or maybe i'm not able to find it on the effects tab?
Or maybe an example that uses it?
Nevermind, Touched somethings on the settings and managed to make it work!
Perhaps you were using webgpu, right now the effect only supports webgl
Is there a way to when I change the model on the properties bar to instantly update on the editor? From one model to the other? I find that i need to keep exiting and reentering construct.
Not right now, but on my list to update, it's just a tricky/old part of the code, doing the initial load and initialization), I might take a hammer to it though and just blow away the whole object and try initialization again. Will try an experiment tomorrow.
Hi. Will there be an option to control the bones separately?
Probably not unless someone has an example and commissions the work from myself or another dev.
out of curiosity how much would a commission like this cost?
If it is beyond curiosity and discussing for an actual commission, we would need to discuss details. You can find me on the Construct Community Discord. Estimates for simpler bounded work is easier. This feature not so much.
Is there a way to make vertex colors work?
Using this model for test. Do I have to bake?
Sorry, I wish there was, it is a C3 SDK limitation right now, I and others have requested for the feature to be added to the C3 SDK.
Yes, need to bake for now.
Ok thanks.
hi, i attempted exporting games that use 3d models with this plugin in the past and always ran into a blackscreen error when exporting with NW.js. i searched previously on github and the c3 forums and found that NW.js had a bug that was causing this. just checking if theres been any updates on this bug and if exports are hopefully working?
Try exporting without worker enabled. As far as I know, this is a general C3 error, not 3DObject specific.
What's this zelevation0 for?
obsolete, have to keep it so it doesn't break old programs
Is there an option to display vertex colors?
Unfortunately no, the C3 SDK doesn't support that (and we have asked a few times)
Hi. How can I get an angle of the node?
There is not a function for that right now, I will look at adding it in the new year.
Is it possible for the gltf path to have a drop down list of all the names of all the glb and gltf in the Files for QoL? Kind of like instance variables.
I have not run across a way to do that in the C3 Editor SDK yet (the editor SDK is quite limited compared to the Runtime SDK.
Do you still have this template available?
That uses a paid template, if you buy the template and I get a verification from the dev, I can give you my modified version. Just let me know.
To be honest, I only wanted to study the template because of the night vision flashlight effect, was that a modification of yours, or is it from his template? If it is yours, would you have a template, any template, that uses this type of flashlight? (it doesn't have to have the night vision effect) I'm creating a PSX Horror, and I just wanted to create a flashlight of this type, but I couldn't, so I wanted to study a template.
Pretty simple it was ss3d light with a spotlight in the center, with green color and ambient dark green color + pixellate
I'm really having a hard time with this lighting part, I tried to use ss3d to create the flashlight but the way I think of doing it isn't working. That's why I'm looking for a template to study. I don't care if you charge me for it, but could you provide me with any template that has this type of working flashlight that I can turn on and off?
Hello, first of all congratulations on the great work you've been doing for the C3 community, I recently acquired 2 of your plugins and my head is bubbling with ideas with the possibilities that have opened up and I'm already developing a project... I'm managing to work well with 3D so far, but I'm having a hard time understanding how the illuminations work. Even looking at all the examples you've provided, I can't create some of the things I wanted to.

For example, I'd like to know how to create this type of lighting:
And I'd like to know if it's possible to create this type of lighting on 3D signs or in some other way:

And my last question, is how I could create a more realistic Lantern... I saw on your twitter this example https://twitter.com/kindeyegames/status/1673439254016565250 that you posted of a test, and is it currently possible to create something the same or similar?
Thanks in advance.
C3 SDK and effects do not support very good lighting. So, we have to do a few compromises. For flat lighting of the 3DObject, you can have multiple lights, including spot lights. However, the only work on a per face basis. So, for example on the building above each side is a single face with texture, so each face only have a single light value for the entire face, so you won't get nice liking like you have above.
You could subdivide the walls into many triangles and it could start to look like the above, however, that requires a lot of performance to do. I find that the 3DObject lighting works best on a little more complicated, animated models.
This lighting is world space lighting (e.g. the lights can be placed in the world and they work as expected as you change the camera location). These are ACEs of 3DObject.
The other option is the screenspace lighting. This lighting is done by looking at the depth normals of the screenspace and using though to determine lighting on a fragment (e.g. pixel) basis. It look pretty nice, but it has the restriction that the light _will_ change as the camera changes orientation (the lighting is _not_ world based). So, in general it works better for some ambient, distant lighting and lighting sources that are coming from the direction of the camera. This is an effect addon.
Some other ideas to think about: bake in lighting on 3d models. For example in the above, if the lighting doesn't change you could bake the lighting into the textures in blender, etc.
Okay, that helped me understand a bit, I think the idea of doing the lighting on the textures is valid and simpler to do.
Is there a way to clean the console logs? I have way too many 3d objects there.
do you have the debug property checked?
Nope, all unchecked.
ok, thanks for the example, I'll look into it today
Thanks, all clean.
i will start to play around lighting now.i didnt really follow ur updates but, is there directional lights yet? like a directional light that bakes for every object on start of layout?im making a big city and i want to light every building evenly at start of layout. only bake not realtime. and didnt you have one for sprites billboard>? what happen to that one
a prebaked direction light for each 3d object at any angle would be a cool option , is it possible?
You can apply lights per object, if you need a common light, I usually use a family for all the objects and apply lights ACEs to the family. Look at the devlog for flat light updates and examples. You can bake on start.
The version for 3DShapes was just an experiment, in general it takes too much CPU and was a monkeypatch (hack to C3 engine.) It has been removed - I was hoping Ashley would help us adopt it and make it more efficient, but he declined.
nice examples, i understand how to use it all now.
Hello! Can i use custom collision shape with your plugin ? Can i use image point with 3d object? Can i navigate in scene free like in Unreal? This is very raw i think, and canot be useful for serious game.
Where i can read a documentation or instruction?
This a 3d model renderer addon for Construct 3. It is not designed to handle 3d collision, 3d camera management. The information on the addon is in the itch page, dev logs and example projects.
Is this effect possible to do? Seeing the character on other side of wall while the wall is 100 opacity. Or do you know a way how this can be done?
EDIT: Nevermind. I think destination out is the answer, but it sucks with 3d camera lol
Yah, that's tough. Perhaps another option is making the foreground opacity lower for objects in the way. Can use 2d los or 3d raycast to determine which objects. Another alternative is to see Foozle's example which does WoW style camera and brings the camera forward so it's no longer blocked.
theres one in the discord like this,it looks like this effect.
any chance of a 3d raycast?
Check out my C3 3D Physics addon: https://kindeyegames.itch.io/construct-3-cannon
Hi. The game crashes on smartphones. There seems to be a problem with resource allocation, how to fix it? The person and environment models are from kenney.
Make a test demo? or share the file? Your game is crashing for me too on PC.
it's not about the project, there is a leak of RAM.
That is weird. I have latest update and that doesn't happen. Need to see your events. Does it happen when you delete the character from layout? Can you upload the model with the problem? I want to test it.
EDIT: I found it nevermind. I will test.
EDIT: I tested 100 on screen no problem.
It helps most if you can provide a test project case, so I can see exactly how the addon is being used. For example, using a lot of instance model without using a template for them will cause GPU memory to grow.
For an example of prefab/template, see https://kindeyegames.itch.io/c3-3dobject-alpha/devlog/459808/example-prefab-project
Hi, I'm working on working on skybox right now and just wanted to ask if your starfield clouds effect work with 3d? Is it an effect for a sprite or does it cover whole layout? Can it be used on 3d box? If it does, do you have one with just clouds? Im looking for one kind of like this https://www.shadertoy.com/view/4tdSWr or thishttps://www.shadertoy.com/view/XslGRr
Nevermind, I found your cloud addon on the main site. I will play around with that one.
Can I somehow hide the individual parts of the 3d model? There are several types of weapons tied to the character's hand and they need to be hidden.
Node disable, look at the dev log regarding this.
In my case, it doesn't work, I enter the node name and nothing happens, I'll throw an example later
Just saw your new rotate object addon, thanks. I will now be returning to c3 lol
Hi, lost my old account but, I bought this last year but I have been in gdevelop since and thinking about rebuying this and coming back to construct. Gdevelop 3d is good with threejs addon but the engine itself is just annoying and worst in every other way. I just want to ask has the instancing got better on this? Like in gdevelop I was making a 3d vampire survivor clone and 500 (1k poly) enemy objects runs fine, but I remember on construct with this addon, I lagged with only around 40-50 objects. I know constructs renderer isn't really meant for 3d but did you ever find a way to make instancing better? Im not making a vampire survivor clone but I would like npc's walk around a town in an rpg game. So like 50 (1k-2k poly) npc with a city also.
Some of the 3d games people are working on in the discord got me fired up for a 3d rpg lmao. If a better instancing isnt possible I understand, will still come back to construct and just make city in 3d and have the characters as 8 direction billboard. I tested one of the uploads there for 8 direction rpg style and was able to make 1000+ characters on screen np. Which is weird because ive tried the same thing on gdev and massive lag. Seems like gdev performance for 3d is better than construct, but constructs 2d and collision performance is waaay better than gdev.
50 objects low poly is fine. You can do some optimizations like set animation rate to 0 or object invisible when its far away or behind walls if you want a lot of npc.
Also, not a lot of games has over 50 character/npc/enemies on screen. I made tests and 100 on screen isn't a problem which should be enough for 95% of game genres. Games like the Ps2 Dynasty Warriors games give an illusion of 1000s of units, but in reality there's only like 40-50 enemies on screen at once, further ones aren't visible and the Ai is so basic. Creating smart enemies that uses collision checks and loops and stuff usually is the performance killer if not designed correctly. Gdevelop can display 1000s enemies sure, but will lag once you start giving them behaviors or collision checks. 1000s of static object instances like trees in the background is nice tho, something Gdevelop is good at.
Yeah ik. Just want things to run at full speed even for lower end machines too. 40 on screen is fine,but like you said, I might need many trees lol. Will test for myself. Playing with billboard sprites for now instead of 3d characters.
Made a cool aiming mechanic where the camera only turns when going out of the aim bounds. Free aim style and hit detection using layertocanvas, but more suited for a robot game/bullet hell style. My next game after I finish my current jump on head platformer lol.
To anyone who wants bullet zelevation to work, its just player.zelevations - target.zelevation
Nice, especially for sniper like play.
hi kindeyegames ,just wondering, are you making any games with this or you just make addons?
Working on some 3D prototypes with this. My game company itself is focused on a MMORPG which is 2.5D, using my Spine addon for skinning and animations. We use C3 for the client side.
ah cool. good luck on it
2.5d like Ragnarok online? I loved those graphics. Wish more people used 2.5d, I loved that look. I'm working with 2 other people on making a 2.5d visual novel but after, I would love to start a 2.5d platformer like the Prinny games. Something like this looks very possible now in Construct.
That game 100% possible to make now. Actually it's weird that there isn't an influx of 2.5D platformers now that it's so easy to make.
just thought of a good game idea how to use this. there was this ghost in the shell game for ps1 where your a robot and u can scale walls and ceilings and stuff. this aiming looks good for it. hit me up if you wanna collab or something.
Just watched gameplay for that and..... that looks difficult lol. If you figure out the math on how to do that walking on walls/ceilings with camera rotating stuff then sure. I'm just amazed something in the Ps1 days could do that.