Examining a refactor to use a new physics library

An update, I am examining refactoring the addon to use a different more flexible, complete and maintained physics library.

Possbile benefits:

  • WASM based (could be faster, I have not seen this always the case)
  • Supports more shapes and all collisions of shapes (including trimesh!)
  • Better documentation on the concepts (and common mistakes)
  • In addition to raycasting, also supports shapecasting (great for testing character movement)
  • More actively maintained (for bug fixes, etc.)

If I do refactor, I am going to try to keep it all compatible, at least be able to open projects, etc. and porting instructions if any are needed. I am still doing research on this other library.

More  details on the library I am reviewing are here: https://rapier.rs/

If anyone already has experience with this library (good or bad), please let me know.

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