fix (collisions) fix collision filter group ACEs

Also deprecate older Cannon filter  and mask ACEs


mikal_cannon_3d_physics-2.12.0.c3addon 1.4 MB
Jun 06, 2024

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Can you look into collision filters in raycast?

I'm not sure if it is available, but will look. Is there an issue you are having with raycasts?

Yes, I was trying to do collision filter with raycast.

Are there plans to use a 3d models geometry as the collision shape? not optimized it can be a huge performance sink. but it would be great to hide a simplified 3d object that represents the worlds collision alongside a separate one for the visual.

Not right now, perhaps later. Can you show an example of the shapes?

(2 edits)

I don't have an exact model. But for a racer it would involve the parts of the map you actually race on. and for a platformer/shooter it would be buildings, cave systems, and so on. placing individual colliders would be time consuming. and some geometry does not fit cleanly inside primitive shapes.